Analysis and Summary of Shipping Data of China-Europe Banquet in 2018

Analysis and Summary of Shipping Data of China-Europe Banquet in 2018

Publishdate:2019-03-13 Views:1227

March 13, 2019 | Sohu. com | Reading: 841

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In 2018, China and Europe opened 6300 columns nationwide.

In 2018, the railway sector will give full play to the role of the Sino-European International Railway Cooperation Mechanism and the Domestic Transport Coordination Committee, implement measures such as three parallel lines and two preferential freight rates for the Sino-European Ban Line in wide rail sections abroad, and constantly improve the quality of the operation of the Ban Line. In 2018, there were 6300 classes in China and Europe, an increase of 72% compared with the same period last year, of which 2690 were returned, an increase of 111% compared with the same period last year.

It is suggested that the industry should form six consensus, as follows:

1. jointly ensure sustainable development.China and Europe are strong support for the implementation of the strategy of "one belt and one road". We must attach great importance to it, improve our standing and keep a stable future, so as to ensure stable operation and sustainable development.

2. Jointly promote high-quality operation.At present, there are different situations and unbalanced development between China and Europe. In order to ensure the high-quality operation of Euro-Ban trains in different regions, we should strengthen policy guidance, cultivate operation subjects, adhere to market-oriented operation, complement resource advantages, optimize route layout, create a healthy market environment, and avoid repetitive and homogeneous competition.

3. Sharing existing achievements in construction.We should share the existing construction achievements of various regions, exchange resources and information, avoid duplication of construction, encourage the co-construction of China-EU integrated service system of import and export trade industry chain (such as Czech freight yard, logistics park, business service center and other sub-projects), and share the existing construction achievements of integrated services of international trade supply chain.

4. Jointly improve the level of service.We should widen the "one belt and one way" logistics channel and trade channel, enhance the enthusiasm of the social forces to participate in the construction of China Europe class trains, and enhance the comprehensive service capacity of China Europe class trains. We should focus on the organization and operation of the Chinese and European Banquets, gather various forces, and innovate service modes in providing logistics services, international mail (express) transportation, supply chain financial services, so as to work together to improve the comprehensive service level of the Chinese and European Banquets.

5. jointly promote foreign cooperation.Relying on the normal and large-scale operation capacity of each region, we should carry out unified price negotiations abroad, strengthen price dominance and reduce the cost of international intermodal logistics. Explore the credit management of foreign trade enterprises, improve the tax collection and management mechanism, and implement small batch import inventory management and other facilitation measures to accelerate the gathering of more import resources.

6. Joint participation in the construction of industry platforms.Establish contacts and exchange information.

Central European Banlie in Yiwu

On November 18, 2014, the Central European Banlie (Yiwu-Madrid) launched its first operation. Up to December 31, 2018, the "Yixin Europe" China-Europe Banquet has run 624 roundtrips, dispatching more than 50,000 boxes of goods.

At present, the "Yixin Europe" Central European Banquet has achieved the normal development of five to six trips per week and one to two trips per week. Nine routes have been opened one after another, radiating to Central Asia, Spain, Iran, Afghanistan, Russia, Latvia, Belarus, the United Kingdom and the Czech Republic in nine directions. Among them, in 2018, China and Europe Banlie (Yiwu) opened 320 lines, and customs supervision of the 25,000 standard containers in China and Europe Banlie, an increase of 68.8% year-on-year, and have carried out postal testing, automotive parts and components transportation.

Central European Banquet in Wuhan

In 2018, China and Europe (Wuhan) ranked 423.

According to statistics, in 2018, 423 Chinese and European (Wuhan) classes were shipped, totaling 37474 standard boxes. Compared with 377 columns opened in the whole year of 2017, the growth rate was 12.2%, and the leap was realized again. Over the past six years, a total of 1240 contingents have been travelling safely between China and Europe (Wuhan). Among them, 643 return lines, a total of 58032 standard boxes, ranking in the forefront of the country.

At present, Wuhan and Chongqing, Chengdu, Xi'an and Zhengzhou rank among the top five cities in the 52 cities running the Central European Banquet. And Wuhan is the only line in the country where the return cargo volume is higher than the outgoing cargo volume.

In 2018, the biggest highlight of the class in Central Europe (Wuhan) is the expansion of new lines, adding 6 new lines.

In June, the shift of Central Europe (Wuhan) docked with the shift of China and Vietnam; in June, the return train of cotton yarn from Central Asia arrived in Han through the port of Horgos, thus opening the "five dragons exit" traffic passage through Alashan Pass, Manchuria, Erlianhot, Pingxiang and Horgos;

In August, the international railway logistics transport service from Wuhan to London was launched to further improve the European network layout and expand the scope of European logistics services.

In September, the opening of the Manzhouli-Wuhan Timber Class (the "Manhan" Class) and the opening of the "Manhan" Class can not only consolidate the status of Wuhan Timber Products Processing Center, but also copy the operation mode of the Central European (Wuhan) Class to the domestic Class, relying on the Yangtze River Trunk Line to promote the development of multimodal transport in the Yangtze River Economic Belt.

On September 18, the first "Guangdong, Hong Kong and Han" cold chain container test cabinet arrived in Wuhan, laying the foundation for the normal operation of the "Guangdong, Hong Kong and Han" class.

In October, the Riga special train was opened to further enhance the radiation capacity of the Baltic coastal countries and comprehensively enhance the level of economic and trade cooperation between Wuhan, Hubei and even the Yangtze River Economic Zone and the Baltic Sea national regions.

In December, after "Yihanou" and "Xianghanou", the "Ten Hanou" was opened. The benefits of the sharing mode between China and Europe have been expanding, helping Wuhan to build an international trade and logistics corridor system and to build a class assembly center in central China.

Up to now, the Central-European Banlie has formed three general westward transport routes, covering 65 routes, crossing the main regions of the hinterland of Asia and Europe, connecting nearly 100 cities between China and Europe, forming an international trade artery across the Eurasian continent, and covering the whole of Europe with transport service network, making Wuhan an an an important window for European trade in China. It is convenient to form a gathering place of logistics goods in the middle of Wuhan.

Central European Banlie in Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province

In 2018, Jiangxi Province launched 202 Gan-Europe Banquets, of which 164 were out of bounds.

According to the data released by Jiangxi Business Department, in 2018, there were 202 Gansu-Europe classes, including 164 outbound classes and 38 inbound classes. Since its opening in 2015, Gansu-Europe Banlie has developed rapidly, and has realized two-way opposite and normal operation. In 2018, Gansu-Europe Banquet was launched in the whole province, which is 7.7 times the total number (26 columns) of Gansu-Europe Banquet in 2017.

At present, Gansu-Europe Banlie has opened up four important border entry and exit land transport channels, namely Manzhouli, Erlianhot, Alashankou and Horgos, and has opened more than 20 Central European (including Central Asia) Banlie routes, thus achieving full radiation to the hinterland of Europe and countries and regions such as Central Asia and Russia. Jiangxi Province through the Manzhouli and Horgos ports of the departure line into the national railway headquarters of China and Europe fixed shift operation chart, Gansu and Europe Ban line to open with the newspaper.

Next, Jiangxi will highlight the key two-way operation of Gansu-Europe Banliang high-quality lines in Tashkent, Moscow, Minsk, Hamburg and other distribution centers to further improve the quality and efficiency of the shift.

In 2019, we will strive to open more than 260 Banquets in Jiangxi and Europe, an increase of 30%.

Central European Banquet in Xinjiang

According to statistics, in 2016, the Central European Banlie Urumqi assembly center opened 135 columns; in 2017, 710 rows; in December 31, 2018, three rows of Central European Banlie were opened on a single day, with a total of 1002 rows in the whole year.

The Central European Banquet opened in 2018 exceeded the total of 2016 and 2017.

As of December 30, China-Europe Banlie, which entered and exited through Xinjiang in 2018, reached 4936 columns, an increase of 41.8% over the same period last year, and the "double-port customs clearance" accelerated China-Europe Banlie.

At present, the Banlie of Central Europe in Xinjiang can cover in three directions from the Urumqi assembly center. Five Central Asian countries, two Russian countries and three European countries.

Xiamen Central European Class

Central Europe (Xiamen) Class Shipping Over 400 Trains

By the end of December 2018, China-Europe (Xiamen) liners had shipped 404 rows and 14521 40-foot containers with a total value of 7.048 billion yuan, of which 175 rows and 7318-foot containers with a total value of 3.302 billion yuan were shipped in 2018, making them one of the best operating quality liners in the country.

It is understood that as the first China-EU class line launched by the National Free Trade Zone and the first railway line pilot project of the China-EU Safety Intelligent Trade Route, at present, the class line in Central Europe (Xiamen) has developed from a weekly one to a weekly six-day one. It has opened 6 international routes from Xiamen to Budapest, Hamburg, Duisburg, Kazakhstan Almaty and Moscow, and has reached more than 30 cities in 12 countries. It has set up a green channel for European trade in Fujian and surrounding areas, even Taiwan and Southeast Asia. Economic and trade cooperation between the Gateway and its surrounding regions and the Asia-Pacific region has injected new momentum and vitality.

Central European Banquet in Suzhou

As a powerful starting point to deepen the economic and trade cooperation between Suzhou and the "one belt and one way" countries, Suzhou has made great efforts to promote the development of China Europe class trains. At present, an international railway freight transport platform is set up, which integrates the import and export classes of Europe, Central Asia and China and Russia.

From January to November 2018, there were 145 import and export classes, of which 40 were returned, an increase of 33% over the same period last year.

Central European Banquet in Hefei, Anhui Province

In 2018, a total of 141 rows of 13402 standard boxes were sent by the Central European Banquets in Anhui Province, an increase of 117% over the same period in the previous year, while a total of 35 rows of 3022 standard boxes were sent by the returning Banquets, an increase of 775% over the same period in the previous year, a record in four years. As of January 4, the Central European Banquet in Anhui Province has sent more than 300 trains.

2019 is the fifth year of the Central European Banquet in Anhui Province. It is reported that Hefei Central European Banlie has opened lines from Hefei to Hamburg, Germany, Dorsk, Kazakhstan, Almaty, Helsinki, Finland, Vorotensk, Russia and Roz, Poland. Apart from Hefei to Hamburg, Germany, there are two shifts from Hamburg to Hefei every week and one to Central Asia.

Zhengzhou Central European Banquet

Central European Banlie (Zhengzhou) launched 752 classes last year to firmly occupy the national "leading echelon"

In 2018, a total of 752 classes (416 classes and 336 classes) were operated in Zhengzhou, China and Europe, up 50% from the previous year, with a total value of $3.236 billion and a total weight of 346.8 million tons.

Over the past five years, the Central European Banquet (Zhengzhou) has opened 1760 classes, with a total value of 8.462 billion US dollars and a total weight of 8.469 million tons. With the comprehensive operation capabilities of return trip ratio, delivery volume, plan delivery rate, frequency of shift delivery rate and transport safety, it has continued to lead the national Central European Banquet.

Over the past year, in Europe, on the basis of the normal operation of Zhengzhou-Hamburg, Germany and Munich, overseas destination stations have added Belgian Liege destination stations; in Central Asia, Zhengzhou-Tashkent/Almaty has been normalized; Zhengzhou-ASEAN (Vietnam) line has opened a south-bound channel.

In 2019, the Central European Banquet (Zhengzhou) plans to open 1300 classes, continue to upgrade the European routes, realize the normal return and return between Central Asia and ASEAN, continue to encrypt, expand the radiation area of overseas business; expand multi-port entry and exit, this year achieve the normalization of international banquet from Suifenhe to Europe, open Manzhouli outbound port in real time, and realize the five directions of east, west, north, South and north-east ports. Entry; Continuously promote multi-line operation, on the basis of consolidating existing European, Central Asian and ASEAN routes, realize the normal operation of ASEAN-Guizhou-Zheng-Europe routes, and open up new routes such as Western Europe, Southern Europe, Central Asia and ASEAN.

Central European Class in Chongqing

Class 1442 in Central Europe (Chongqing) in 2018

As the earliest Class in China and Europe, the class in China and Europe (Chongqing) has maintained a "double-high" growth in quantity and quality, leading the country in terms of traffic volume, import value, return balance rate and planned cash flow rate.

According to the data, in 2018, there were 1442 classes in China and Europe (Chongqing), of which 714 were to go and 728 were to return, more than double the previous year. By the end of December 2018, China and Europe (Chongqing) have been able to reach 15 countries along the "one belt" road, with more than 40 overseas distribution points. At the same time, more than 20 major European customers have been added, and milk products, pulp, timber, auto parts and other multi field backhaul goods have been developed. The value of imports is over 6 billion yuan, up 30% over the same period last year.

It is understood that in 2019, China-Europe Banliang (Chongqing) will open 2-3 new branches to optimize the connection between railways and waterways, highways, air and sea routes, and further improve the quality of transportation.

Xi'an Central European Banquet

The China-Europe Ban Chang'an launched 1235 columns in 2018, 6.37 times the total number in 2017.

In 2018, the Chang'an International Freight Line has 1235 rows, and the heavy haul rate, freight volume and actual traffic volume rank first in the country. Among them, 518 are for Central Asia, 77 are for return, 227 are for Central Europe and 413 are for return.

In 2017, it ranked 194.

Xi'an Central European Banquet allows powerful logistics enterprises to participate in the operation of the banquet by contracting operation lines. We handed over the return journeys from Russia and Belarus to China Merchants Bureau Group, Iran and Afghanistan to Land Port Continental Bridge Company for operation, and the other line routes to Land Port Group Multimodal Transport Company for operation, which truly embodied inclusiveness, openness and openness, and realized the qualitative leap of China-Europe Banquet. The Central European Banlie (Chang'an) has been stable at more than 3-4 lines from an average of 1-2 at the beginning of the year. The transportation of goods has gradually expanded from the initial construction machinery to the full range of clothing, fast consumer goods, electronic equipment, grain and automobiles.

In 2018, five new lines, Xi'an to Belarus, Xi'an to Iran (Afghanistan), Xi'an to Ghent (Belgium), Xi'an to Italian Milan and Xi'an to Latvia Riga, were opened. There are 11 operating lines in Central Asia and Central Europe, covering the main sources of goods in Central Asia, Middle East and Europe. Chang'an has become the "most efficient, best service and fastest speed" in China. Fast, routes the most complete, the most open, the largest volume of international freight train. Through sea-rail intermodal transport to the east, seamless docking with the United States, Australia, New Zealand and other countries has been realized, and a three-dimensional open channel of "land-sea-air network" has been truly constructed, releasing a stronger traction.

In 2019, the operation of Chang'an will continue to adhere to high-quality and market-oriented operation, speed up the opening of inter-city shift, and build Xi'an into the assembly center of the class between China and Europe.

Chengdu Central European Banquet

In 2018, China-Europe Banlie (Chengdu) ranked the first in the country in terms of its opening volume.

In 2018, there were 1587 columns. China-Europe Banquet (Chengdu) has led the country in the number of travel routes for many times, 460 in 2016 and 1020 in 2017. Since 2016, the number of travel routes has been ranked first in China's Central-European Banquet. After more than five years of operation, the Central European Banquet (Chengdu) has become the largest number of domestic Banquet, the highest frequency of operation, the broadest radiation area, and the best time limit of transportation in the Central European Banquet.

By 2018, the number of offshore stations of Banlie (Chengdu) in China and Europe has expanded to 24. The domestic "Rong-Europe+" interconnection and direct links cover 14 coastal and border cities, create 7 international railway corridors and 5 international Rail-sea intermodal corridors, and construct a new Asia-Europe Continental Bridge with Chengdu as its hub and connecting the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.

In terms of the cost of train operation, Chengdu optimizes the mode of transport organization to reduce the cost of transport, pioneers the Sino-European integrated transport of train, promotes and promotes the heavy load rate of the Sino-European to-and-to-return train; at the same time, innovates the "three-in-two" mode of transport in the wide rail section, and reduces the cost of train by about 10%.

Central European Banquet in Lianyungang

In 2018, Lianyungang International Class successfully broke through 800, of which the Eastern Class increased 57% year-on-year. At the same time, in order to make full use of the advantages of Lianyungang-Almaty and Tashkent "point-to-point" high-quality liners and promote the eastward transit or export of goods in Central Asia, including Hammer and ferroalloys, with the support of Customs, China Railway Collection and Harbin Railway and other units, Harbin Railway Express has transferred the settlement platform between Lianyungang-Tashkent liners and China Railway Collection to the logistics base of China and Kazakhstan since 2018. Since July 1, 2001, unified external quotation and unified operation management have been implemented.

The total throughput of Lianyungang Port reached 23,556.18 million tons, an increase of 3.1% over the previous year. Containers completed 474.57 million standard boxes, an increase of 0.7% over the previous year. The average daily loading capacity was 1827 vehicles, an increase of 146 vehicles, an increase of 426 vehicles, an increase of 66 vehicles; the volume of container hot metal intermodal transport was 338,600 standard boxes, an increase of 2.9% over the same period.

Changsha Central European Banquet

It is known that in 2018, the Hunan-Europe Express Line shipped 163 lines.

From October 2014 to the end of December 2018, the Hunan-Europe Express Line shipped 494 rows and 40406 standard boxes for import and export goods.

Shijiazhuang Central European Banlie

Starting from Shijiazhuang, after 15 days of operation, it finally arrived in Minsk, the capital of Belarus. Hebei Taitong Logistics Company is the operator of Shijiazhuang Central Europe Banlie. In June 2018, Shijiazhuang Central European Banlie launched. In half a year, the shift here has reached normal operation.

Over the past six months, Shijiazhuang has opened dozens of lines in China and Europe, dispatching nearly 1,000 containers, nearly 10,000 tons of goods worth billions of dollars.

Alashan Port

In order to speed up the customs clearance between China and Europe, solidify the mode of train operation and clarify the operation time standard of each link in the customs clearance at ports, a new mode of station-plane integrated transport organization has been implemented successively, which reduces the links in the operation junction, and reduces the time of train technical inspection and handover from the previous 40 minutes to 20 minutes.

Improve the efficiency of bill operation process, reduce the time of port detention, and establish an information platform with the railway department of Kazakhstan to inform the export situation of containers daily and solve the problem of receiving and dispatching links. The customs clearance time at the port is reduced from 12 hours to less than 6 hours, the replacement time of container liners is controlled within 6 hours, and the replacement time of whole liners is controlled within 30 hours. Efforts should be made to ensure the rapid clearance of customs between China and Europe.

At present, the Central European Banquet leaving Alashan Pass each year has accounted for nearly 70% of the total number of banquets in China. The volume of import and export cargo at port stations has increased steadily and maintained a rapid growth momentum.

Horgos Port

Horgos'foreign trade is becoming more and more frequent. Railway freight ports have also implemented a year-round customs clearance model. "Although the monitoring network is now very sound, but the vehicle inspection also requires manual inspection, daily inspection of about 30 trains, each train at least about 40 sections."

Banlie days of Central Europe departing from the port of Horgos are more than six

Statistics show that in 2018, the number of entry-exit trains reached more than 6,100, and the combined traffic volume reached more than 3 million tons, including 312 trains in Central Europe.

Erlianhot Port

From January to November 2018, the number of entry-exit containers from Central Europe through Manzhouli and Erlianhot ports reached 2535, an increase of 50.18% over the same period of last year, while the number of standard containers transported increased by 39.02% over the same period of last year.

From January to November 2018, 943 Chinese-European Banquets entered and exited through Erlianhot Port, an increase of 90.89% over the same period last year, and 40343 shipping containers, an increase of 81.90% over the same period last year. As of December 14, 2018, the number of entry-exit and entry-exit Chinese-European Banquets at Erlian Railway Port exceeded 1000 in 2018. The number of entry-exit Central European Banners increased by 421, or about 72%, compared with 579 in 2017, and 831, or about 492%, compared with 169 in 2016.

Manzhouli Port

From January to November 2018, the number of inbound and outbound containers from Central Europe through Manzhouli Port increased by 33.3% compared with the same period last year, while the number of shipping containers increased by 28.6% compared with the same period last year. As of December 6, 2018, the 3000th train of import and export China-Europe Banlie sailed out of Manzhouli Port. Manzhouli Railway Station is the largest land crossing port in China. In September 2013, with the first "Su Man Europe" class leaving China via Manzhouli Port, the number of import and export classes increased rapidly with the daily arrival and departure volume of about 2-3 columns. From 2013 to 2018, the number of Ban Lines in and out of Central Europe through Manchuria Port has reached 50. The main gathering places include more than 60 cities such as Suzhou, Tianjin and Wuhan, covering the southwest, south, East and northeast regions. Overseas, they have arrived in more than 12 cities such as Moscow, Warsaw, Malashevik, Kuntswo, Yekaterinburg and Volsino.

Banliede of Central Europe: Past Life and Present Life

The central European train is organized by the China Railway Corporation, which runs on the basis of the fixed train number, line, schedule and whole operation time, and the container international railway intermodal train between China and Europe and the countries along the belt road. It is the highest quality and grade international rail transport train.

Twenty-first Century

China-EU economic and trade relations have been developing steadily for a long time, but almost all cargo transportation between China and Europe has been realized by sea. There is a growing demand for the development of international rail container transport between Europe and China.

On March 1, 2005, Hohhot to Frankfurt "Ruyi" International Container Line opened. This is the first attempt of international railway container transport between China and Europe.

From May 2007 to July 2008, six international intermodal direct trains departed from Shenzhen, from Alashan Pass, Erlian and Manzhouli Ports, respectively, and went to Meinique, Czech Republic, to provide reference data for regular operations.

In January, May and September 2008, container trains from Beijing, Urumqi, Xiangtang to Hamburg, Germany, were opened one after another, proving that the railway is capable of providing safe and convenient international container intermodal transport services in terms of technical organization and corridor capacity.

In January 2011, "Yuxin Europe" international railway line was born.

In March 2011, the "Yuxin Europe" class has been running regularly. The total length is 10826 kilometers and the running time is 15 days.

In 2012, Zhengzhou, Wuhan, Chengdu, Xi'an and other places have launched direct container trains to Central Asia or Europe.

In March 2013, 41 trucks loaded with auto parts arrived in Chongqing from Cologne, which was the first time that the container train between China and Europe had realized "re-entry and re-entry".

In September 2013, the initiative to jointly build "one belt and one road" was put forward, giving the stage of China Europe class to gallop.

On June 6, 2016, China Railway officially launched the unified brand of China-Europe Banquet, which has entered a new stage of unified norms, win-win cooperation and healthy and sustainable development.

In October 2016, the first top-level design for the construction and development of China-Europe Ban-Le was published, the Ban-Le Construction and Development Plan (2016-2020).

In January 2017, the Central European Banquet officially covered the entire Western European countries, and successfully achieved round-trip.

In April 2017, the railway departments of China, Belarus, Germany, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Poland, Russia and other seven countries formally signed the Agreement on Deepening Cooperation between China and Europe, and the "circle of friends" of China and Europe has been expanding.

In May 2017, on the initiative of China Railway Corporation, the China-EU Banquet Transport Coordination Committee was established with seven Banquet Platform Companies, including Chongqing, Chengdu, Zhengzhou, Wuhan, Suzhou, Yiwu and Xi'an, to coordinate and solve the problems faced by the development of the Banquet between China and Europe.

In October 2017, China Railway Corporation actively coordinated the signing of the Summary of the First Meeting of the China-EU Joint Working Group on Banquet Transport and formally established the mechanism of international cooperation between the two countries.

On December 31, 2018, the Central European Banquet, operated by the Urumqi Assembly Center alone, broke through 1000 columns in the year.


China and Europe have made full use of the advantages of railway logistics and transportation, and accelerated the development of all parts of the economy along the line.

Banliede Development Plan in Central Europe

Development goals,By 2020, a comprehensive service system with reasonable layout, perfect facilities, stable traffic volume, convenience, efficiency and safety will be basically formed in China and Europe. China-Europe railway transport corridor is basically perfect, and the hub nodes of China-Europe Ban train are basically added, with obvious freight agglomeration effect; China-Europe Ban train is running about 5000 trains annually, the return train volume is significantly increased, the international mail (express) business is normalized; the whole logistics service platform of convenient, fast, safe, efficient, green and environmental protection is basically built, and the brand influence is greatly enhanced; customs clearance is facilitated; The level has been greatly improved, and the "single window" mode basically achieves full coverage.

Seven tasks

Perfecting International Trade Channel

Improving international trade channels, strengthening the construction of logistics hub facilities, intensifying the integration of resources, innovating transport service modes, establishing and improving price mechanism, building information service platforms, and promoting the facilitation of customs clearance

—— Extracted from "China-EU Banlie Construction and Development Plan (2016-2020)"

(Reprinted only for academic research and humanistic exchanges. If you have any objections, please inform us in time so as to handle them properly.)

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