Xi Jinping talks about "one belt and one road"

Xi Jinping talks about "one belt and one road"

Publishdate:2019-05-06 Views:1756

Source: People's Daily Overseas Edition

On September 7, 2013, President Xi Jinping delivered a speech at Nazarbayev University in Kazakhstan, putting forward the idea of jointly building the Silk Road Economic Belt. On October 3, the same year, Xi Jinping delivered a speech in the Indonesian Parliament, proposing to jointly build the "Marine Silk Road of the 21st Century". These two constitute a major initiative of "one belt and one road". Xi Jinping attached great importance to "one belt and one road" and repeated it on various important occasions.

On September 7, 2013, President Xi Jinping delivered an important speech entitled "Promoting People's Friendship and Creating a Better Future" at Nazarbayev University in Kazakhstan. (Photo Source: Wang Ye, Xinhua News Agency)

[History and Humanities]

Enhancing the New Age Connotation of the Ancient Silk Road

The "one belt and one way" initiative has aroused the historical memory of the countries along the route. The ancient Silk Road is not only a trade road, but also a road of friendship. In the friendly exchanges between the Chinese nation and other nationalities, the spirit of the Silk Road characterized by peaceful cooperation, openness and tolerance, mutual learning and mutual benefit has gradually formed. Under the new historical conditions, we put forward the "one belt and one road" initiative, which is to inherit and carry forward the spirit of the Silk Road, combine China's development with the development of the countries along the route, combine the dream of China with the dream of the people of various countries along the route, and give the ancient Silk Road a brand-new connotation of the times.

—— On April 29, 2016, the 31st Collective Learning of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee

The common aspiration of the people is the humanistic foundation for the construction of "one belt and one road".

Cultural exchanges and cooperation is also an important part of the construction of "one belt and one road". To truly build "one belt and one road", we must form a humanistic pattern of mutual appreciation, mutual understanding and mutual respect among the people in the countries along the line. The common aspiration of the people is an important part of the construction of "one belt and one road", as well as the humanistic foundation of "one belt and one road" construction. We must persist in promoting economic cooperation and cultural exchanges, pay attention to intensive cultivation in the humanities field, respect the cultural history, customs and habits of all countries, strengthen friendly exchanges with people of the countries along the line, and lay a broad social foundation for the construction of "one belt and one road".

—— On April 29, 2016, the 31st Collective Learning of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee

Different nationalities and cultures should communicate with each other

The construction of "one belt and one road", advocating different nationalities and different cultures, should "make connections" instead of "turning evil". We should make more walls, build fewer walls, and use dialogue as the golden rule.

The extension of "one belt and one road" is an active place for cultural exchanges. The blending of people's hearts and minds needs continuous efforts and long-term achievements.

—— January 21, 2016, "Jointly Creating a Better Future of Sino-Arab Relations"

Inheritance and Promotion of the Ancient Silk Road

"One belt and one road" runs through Eurasia, the East Asian economic circle, and the West into the European economic circle. Whether it is to develop economy, improve people's livelihood, or to deal with crises and accelerate adjustment, many countries along the line share common interests with China. Historically, the Silk Road on the land and the maritime silk road is a great channel for China's economic and trade and cultural exchanges with Central Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, West Asia, East Africa and Europe. The "one belt and one road" initiative is widely recognized and extended to the ancient Silk Road.

—— On November 4, 2014, the 8th Meeting of the Central Leading Group on Finance and Economics

On January 17, 2017, President Xi Jinping attended the opening ceremony of the 2017 annual meeting of the World Economic Forum at the Davos International Conference Center, Switzerland, and delivered a keynote speech entitled "Sharing the responsibilities of the times and promoting global development". (Photo Source: Lan Hongguang, Xinhua News Agency)

[Requirements of the Times]

Building "one belt and one road" is not our business.

China is an advocate and promoter of "one belt and one road", but building the "one belt and one road" is not our business. The construction of "one belt and one road" should not only focus on China's own development, but also take China's development as an opportunity to enable more countries to catch up with China's development express and help them achieve their development goals. While developing our own interests, we should give more consideration to and take care of the interests of other countries. We should adhere to the correct concept of righteousness and benefit, take righteousness as the first, combine righteousness and benefit, do not rush for quick success and instant benefit, and do not engage in short-term behavior.

—— On April 29, 2016, the 31st Collective Learning of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee

"One belt and one road" will benefit the world.

More than 3 years ago, I put forward the "one belt and one road" initiative. Over the past 3 years, more than 100 countries and international organizations have responded positively to support. More than 40 countries and international organizations have signed a cooperation agreement with China. The "circle of friends" is expanding. Chinese enterprises have invested more than 50 billion US dollars in the countries along the route. A series of major projects have blossomed, which has promoted the economic development of various countries and created a large number of employment opportunities. It can be said that the "one belt and one road" initiative came from China, but the results benefited the world.

—— Keynote Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the 2017 Annual Conference of the World Economic Forum, Davos International Conference Center, 17 January 2017

Welcome to the "free ride" of China's development

China's open door will never be closed. All countries are welcome to take the "free ride" of China's development. China is willing to work with all parties to promote the early operation and role of the Asian Investment Bank and contribute to the economic growth and livelihood improvement of developing countries. We will continue to welcome new and old international financial institutions including Asia Investment Bank to participate in the construction of "one belt and one road".

—— Address at the opening ceremony of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank on January 16, 2016

All sides are responding.

After the "one belt and one road" initiative was put forward, one stone stirred up thousands of waves, and the outside world responded very loudly, and all sides were responding. The strong response of all parties is mainly due to the fact that this initiative conforms to the requirements of the times and the aspirations of all countries to accelerate their development, and has a profound historical origin and humanistic foundation. Judging from our own situation, this initiative meets the endogenous requirements of China's economic development and helps to promote the development of border ethnic areas in China.

—— On April 29, 2016, the 31st Collective Learning of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee

Achieving Common Prosperity

China's development benefits from the international community and is willing to provide more public goods for the international community. I propose the "one belt and one way" initiative aimed at sharing China's development opportunities with other countries along the route to achieve common prosperity. Important progress has been made in the construction of a series of key projects and economic corridors in the Silk Road Economic Belt. The construction of the Marine Silk Road in the 21st century is advancing simultaneously.

—— Keynote Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the G-20 Business Summit on September 3, 2016

On October 16, 2016, BRICS leaders held their eighth meeting in Goa, India. Chinese President Xi Jinping, Indian Prime Minister Modi, South African President Zuma, Brazilian President Temel and Russian President Putin attended. Xi Jinping delivered an important speech entitled "Confidence for Development". (Photo Source: Yao Dawei, Xinhua News Agency)

[Strategic docking]

Strengthening Strategic Docking

Strengthen strategic docking and release potential for cooperation. The two sides of ZOJE should take the opportunity of signing the joint memorandum of understanding on the "one belt and one way" construction to enhance the docking of their respective development strategies and vision, further comb and prepare major cooperation projects, and strive for early harvest.

—— March 26, 2016, "The Age Sound of Sino-Japanese Relations"

Docking with the Construction of Eurasian Economic Union

In recent years, with the joint efforts of both sides, the two countries have made positive achievements in building the "one belt and one road". The two sides should speed up the promotion of major infrastructure projects, promote the implementation of capacity investment cooperation, promote cooperation between the two small and medium-sized enterprises, do a good job in the "one belt and one way" construction and docking with the Eurasian Economic Alliance, and strengthen cooperation in the humanities fields such as education, science and technology, tourism and so on.

—— On January 6, 2017, I met with President Atambayev of Kyrgyzstan

Docking with the Bay of Bengal Rim

We should promote the organic integration of the "one belt and one way" construction and the "multi Bay Economic and Technological Cooperation Initiative in the bay of Bengal", promote infrastructure construction and interconnection, and strive for common development.

—— On October 16, 2016, BRICS Leaders Dialogue with Leaders of Member States of the Bay of Bengal Multidisciplinary Economic and Technical Cooperation Initiative

Contribute to Asia-Pacific Interconnection

China actively promotes the "one belt and one way" initiative, and contributes to the Asia Pacific interconnection through joint discussions, co construction and sharing with regional partners. China is willing to strengthen the docking with relevant parties'development strategies and cooperation initiatives to achieve synergies.

—— Speech at the first phase of the 24th APEC Informal Leaders'Meeting on November 20, 2016

On January 21, 2016, President Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the headquarters of the League of Arab States in Cairo entitled "Jointly Creating a Better Future of Sino-Arab Relations". (Photo Source: Pang Xinglei, Xinhua News Agency)

[Implementation steps]

Step by step

To promote the construction of "one belt and one road", we must sincerely treat the countries along the line, and do what we believe and do what we want. In line with the principle of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation with the countries along the line, so that the countries along the line can benefit from China's development. We should implement inclusive development and adhere to sharing opportunities, meeting challenges and creating prosperity. We must do a good job in the overall layout of the "one belt and one road" plan, and make sure the timetable and roadmap for the next few years as early as possible. We must have early harvest plans and fields. We need to carry out the construction of "one belt and one road", from easy to difficult, from near to far, from point to line, from line to surface, to carry out solid economic and trade cooperation, and push forward the construction of key projects.

—— On November 4, 2014, the 8th Meeting of the Central Leading Group on Finance and Economics

Benefiting the Countries and People along the Line

China is willing to work with the countries along the line to build a mutually beneficial cooperation network of "one belt and one road", create a new cooperative mode, develop diversified cooperation platforms, and promote key areas, and work together to create "green silk road", "healthy Silk Road", "intellectual Silk Road" and "peaceful Silk Road", to benefit the countries and peoples along the line.

July 25, 2016, congratulatory letter to the 2016 "one belt and one way" media cooperation forum.

Important Ways to Strengthen International Cooperation

Building a "one belt and one way" is an important way to strengthen international cooperation. China appreciates Rui Fang's active support for the "one belt and one way" Cooperation Initiative, and appreciates that Switzerland has taken the lead in joining the Asian infrastructure investment bank in European countries, and is willing to cooperate with Rui Fang in the field of infrastructure construction, finance, insurance, production capacity cooperation, and jointly promote the construction of "one belt and one road".

—— On January 16, 2017, talks with Swiss Federal President Lloydhardt

Interconnection is the vein of "one belt and one road".

Interconnection is a blood vessel running through the "one belt and one road". In order to achieve interconnection, we should focus on Asian countries and take transport infrastructure as a breakthrough. China has obvious advantages and strong competitiveness in the fields of railways, electricity, telecommunications, construction machinery, metallurgy, building materials and so on. In 2014, it invested 40 billion US dollars to establish a silk road fund to support the cooperation projects of all countries along the belt.

—— January 21, 2016, "Creating a Better Tomorrow for Sino-Iraqi Relations"

Consultation, co-construction and sharing are the principles of construction

We are guided by the principle of "one belt and one road" building together by co operation, co construction and sharing. Guided by the spirit of peace, cooperation, openness, inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit, and the Silk Road spirit of mutual benefit and win win, we have been widely recognized by the countries along the route.

—— Speech at the Legislative Chamber of the Supreme Council of Uzbekistan on 22 June 2016

Grasp Key Significant Projects

To promote the construction of "one belt and one road", we must seize the key landmark projects and strive to blossom and blossom as early as possible. We should help relevant countries along the route to develop their own and regional infrastructure planning for transportation, electricity and communications, jointly promote pre-research, and put forward a list of projects that can take into account bilateral and multilateral interests. We should attach great importance to and build a number of projects that are conducive to the improvement of people's livelihood in the countries along the line.

—— On November 4, 2014, the 8th Meeting of the Central Leading Group on Finance and Economics

Seize the Key Period of the Next Five Years

We must seize the key period of the next 5 years to build a "one belt and one road", establish the concept of action of peace, innovation, guidance, governance and integration, be the builder of Middle East peace, the promoter of the development of the Middle East, the promoter of the Middle East industrialization, the supporter of the stability of the Middle East, and the cooperative partners of the Middle East.

—— January 21, 2016, "Jointly Creating a Better Future of Sino-Arab Relations"

On March 5, 2017, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, participated in the deliberations of the Shanghai Delegation at the Fifth Session of the Twelfth National People's Congress. (Photo Source: Lan Hongguang, Xinhua News Agency)

[Three-dimensional pattern]

Playing Local Initiative into Full Play

The construction of "one belt and one road" should not only establish the overall national goal, but also give play to local initiative. Local planning and objectives should conform to the overall national objectives and be subordinate to the overall situation and the overall situation. We should concentrate on improving the level of opening up, enhancing our ability to participate in international competitiveness, forcing the transformation of the mode of economic development and adjusting the economic structure. We should base ourselves on the local reality, find the right position, give full play to our advantages, achieve solid results, and strive to expand the new space for reform and development.

—— On April 29, 2016, the 31st Collective Learning of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee

It provides a bigger platform for Chongqing to "go out"

The "one belt and one way" construction has provided Chongqing with a larger platform for "going out". The development of the Yangtze River economic belt has provided an important carrier for Chongqing to better integrate into the central and eastern regions. Chongqing has great development potential and bright prospects.

It is hoped that Chongqing will play an important strategic pivot role in the development of the western region, actively integrate itself with the development of the "one belt along the way" and the development of the Yangtze River economic belt, and create brilliant new achievements in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and speeding up socialist modernization.

—— January 4-6, 2016, in Chongqing

Shanghai Free Trade Pilot Area Becomes a Bridgehead

Efforts should be made to build the pilot area for free trade in Shanghai into a comprehensive reform pilot area that combines openness and innovation, and serve as a bridgehead to serve the country's "one belt and one road" construction and drive the market players to go out.

—— On March 5, 2017, the Shanghai delegation participated in the deliberations of the Fifth Session of the Twelfth National People's Congress

Government-led, Enterprise Participation and Civil Promotion

The government should play a leading role in publicizing and promoting, strengthening coordination and establishing mechanisms. At the same time, we should pay attention to building a regional economic cooperation mechanism based on market and enterprises as the main body, mobilize various kinds of enterprises to participate extensively, and guide more social forces to invest in the construction of "one belt and one road", and strive to form an organic combination mode of government, market and society, and form a government leading role. The three-dimensional pattern of enterprise participation and folk promotion.

—— On April 29, 2016, the 31st Collective Learning of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee

State owned enterprises are important forces in the construction of "one belt and one road".

We must strengthen and improve the party's leadership over state-owned enterprises, strengthen and improve the party building of state-owned enterprises, enable state-owned enterprises to become the most reliable strength of the party and the state, and become an important force to resolutely implement the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, and become an important force to carry out the new development concept and deepen reform in all aspects, and become the implementation of the "going out" strategy and the "one belt and one road" construction. The important force of such major strategies has become an important force to strengthen the comprehensive national strength, promote economic and social development, safeguard and improve people's livelihood, and an important force for our Party to win a great victory in the struggle with many new historical characteristics.

—— October 10-11, 2016, National Conference on Party Building in State-owned Enterprises

Supporting Netcom Enterprises to Go Out

We should encourage and support China's Internet credit enterprises to go out, deepen international exchanges and cooperation in the Internet, and actively participate in the construction of "one belt and one road", so as to achieve "where the national interest is, and where information will be covered".

—— Speech at the Symposium on Network Security and Informatization on April 19, 2016

Mutual assistance and cooperation in afforestation and greening

Building a green home is the common dream of mankind. We should make efforts to promote land greening and build beautiful China, and we should cooperate with other multilateral cooperation mechanisms such as "one way, one way" construction, and help each other to carry out afforestation, jointly improve the environment, actively respond to global ecological challenges such as climate change, and make due contributions to safeguarding global ecological security.

—— April 5, 2016, participating in the compulsory tree planting activities in the capital

Editor: Cao Jianing

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