Shared Coexistence and High Quality Development

Shared Coexistence and High Quality Development

Publishdate:2019-02-22 Views:2778

From December 11 to December 12, the 3rd plenary meeting of the China-EU Balancing Transport Coordination Committee was held in Chengdu. We will promote the work of the leading group office of the "one belt and one way" construction work, the China Railway Corporation, and the 44 Chinese and European business management units and research institutes, and participate in the work of this year.

As a member of the committee, Chairman Tan Guangming attended the meeting and gave a keynote speech on "Shared Coexistence, High Quality Development". EPU Supply Chain, as a multimodal integrated logistics enterprise with the development of China-Europe Banquet, breaks through its own limitations under the planning of China Railway Corporation, under the unified guidance of the National Development and Reform Commission and the functional departments of local governments, under the active support of China Railway Collection Corporation and under the unified coordination of the Coordination Committee, actively participates in the development of China-Europe Banquet and jointly commits itself to building a country with national characteristics. China-Europe Banlie Unified Brand with International Competitiveness and Credit. The company is supporting the development of China and Europe, and has constructed operation and operation network at home and abroad, gradually achieving a three-dimensional integrated service body. Anhui, Chengdu, Xi'an, Xuzhou, Weihai, Tianjin, Shenzhen and other operation companies and operation service centers have been set up. As early as 2016, in Hamburg, Germany, Europe, a service center has been set up to provide specialized operation for the Central European Banquet, with a professional market operation and operation team for the Central European Banquet. At the same time, we have also made great efforts in R&D and investment in the matching technology and equipment of China-Europe Banquet. We have professional systems, special containers and matching truck fleets, so that customers can change their price demand to value demand for China-Europe Banquet, and promote more enterprises and customers in China-Europe Banquet to choose products from China-Europe Banquet. Taking this opportunity, we should further innovate service mode, enhance service capability, strengthen resource integration, reduce logistics costs, and strive to build an economic, efficient and multi-service logistics platform. At the same time, the report synthesizes the development of China-EU Banquet in recent years and puts forward suggestions and suggestions to the Committee on establishing standards, improving quality, creating high-quality products and leading development, so as to make China-EU Banquet the golden channel for the future economic development of various regions.

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